Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Finally coming back...

Well I am finally coming back to the blogging world. My hiatus was due to life being totally turned upside down. With that said things are looking up, and we are taking life a day at a time and a week at a time.
So what has happened since I have been gone??? I can only describe it as, "Life Happens." We managed to take a trip to california to visit my parents,(Pictures will come eventually). There were two weekend trips of total enjoyment to our timeshare in Phoenix, and Carson had his 3 year old birthday. Not to mention school is good with exception to an instructor who is about as clueless as Chris Farley playing his role of a Motivational Speaker in SNL. I started officiating High School football along with the Saturday Pop Warner League and having a blast. Thursdays and Fridays I get to work harder than anaything and stay home with the boys while Mom works as a Kindergarten Teacher. So anyway, to all my loyal readers out there thanks for being patient and hopefully I can keep up with my big blogging responsibilities.


Wumpus 360™ said...

Glad to have ya back.

. said...

WOW...welcome back.

Sounds like you guys have been having fun, though!