Monday, August 27, 2007

Dodgers or Doggers

Don't get me wrong, I am a die hard fan, and even got to meet the "88 World series team" way back when, so LA is in my blood, and as you can see it will be in my two boys as well. I just don't understand what is going on with them. Allow me to vent a little!! How is it that they are 5.5 games back in the division?? They are inconsistent, and look to washed up has been's to be season changers. I like their team mentality and understand the idea, "pitching wins games," but you've got to be able to score runs and be consistent. When Kent, or Gonzo are your power hitters I think you have got some problems, I mean how old are they?? Who would have thought getting rid of Betemit would have had such a ripple effect on them, isn't that when they started the unbelievable streak of losses. I know they still have time and do have the ability to win the division, but at this point I think it's going to take a little help from the D-Backs losing some games for that to be a reality. All hope is not lost, We can still win the wild card outright. What I am saying now is Lets kick it up a notch here in the stretch and bring home the pennant!

Go Dodgers

Monday, August 20, 2007

Family in Benson

Well I have been "bachin" it this week while Linda is in Benson with the kids while she recovers from her Hernia surgery. The surgery took palce on Tuesday the 14th at 7am and was lightning fast. They had her out of surgery and in recovery 20 minutes later, I was amazed! Every since then I have been ALL ALONE!! Her recovery is good and she is feeling great, however she is still unable to lift either kid in direct orders from the Doctors,"nothing over a gallon of milk." That is the hardest part about the recovery. Other that that she is in the lap of luxury over there, she sleeps, eats, watches tv, and as much as possible does what she can with the kids. Her parents have been so wonderful taking care of her and the boys.

Below is a picture of Carson I took while I visited them on Sunday. dont you love the hat... USC

Friday, August 17, 2007


I just recently found this website and thought it was an instant classic. I hope you enjoy laughing!!

Monday, August 13, 2007

A great weekend

On friday, I with my wife took our son to a place out here in Tucson called Pump It Up. It is an indoor inflatables play place. Carson with his Cousin Adaya were maniacs in thier relentless pursuit of more fun. There were giant slides, jumping castles, and obstacle courses galore, all of which were childs paly for these bundles of energy.

On Saturday We went to the Zoo with all of the family and also two of my Cousins who were down to visit. The highlight of the day was watching the tigers. They were so active it seemed they knew that they had an audience & were eating it up.

Friday, August 10, 2007

Golf, the game I hate to love!

Well Golf is one of those sports that you either love or hate to love. What I mean by that is for me I am not very good, yet somehow I continue to spend my time and effort and money working on getting better. WHY do I do this? Golf is not cheap, and during the course of a round I experience what can only be described as an emotional roller coaster. I am chill when I arrive, ready to play a nice easy round of golf, and just have fun. I have no worries and enjoy listening to the birds sing and that beautiful sound of a NIKE Sasquatch driver hitting that white dimpled little ball. It is heavenly and a treat early in the morning. On the flip side, I don't have a Nike Sasquatch & even if I did, I probably wouldn't hear that sound. Instead, you may hear dirt sometimes fly farther than the ball... or, me saying oh, no, no that is a stinkin mulligan, (a.k.a. do over). I will occasionally clap for myself both in praise and in frustration, I have even uttered the words, "I think I need a drink," a time or two. Regardless of my score or whatever was heard out on the course that day, I will continue hating to love that difficult game of golf, and know in time I have to get better RIGHT???

Monday, August 6, 2007

Life throws a Lemon, Lemonade still pending..

Why cant life be all warm and fuzzy??

A few weeks ago Linda, while having her hands full with an almost 2 year old, and a newborn was feeling some sharp pains in her belly button. The pain seemed to come and go and was day by day. Not sure what to do, she set up an appointment with her doctor. To her chagrin she thought to herself, that feels like a hernia. Well, what she had feared the specialist confirmed, it was indeed an umbilical hernia and surgery is the only way to fix it. He said, "the recovery for this operation is 4 weeks," This is where the lemon comes into play for two reasons!! See, We had a vacation scheduled for the week of August 12-19, and obviousley now that won't be happening... and the second, her insurance will be running out as of the end of August. We are trying to stay positive, and hopeul that her recovery will be swift and without complications. We think she will ne having the surgery either late this week or early next week. Please pray for us and especially her during this time. Oh, and if you have any recipees on good lemonade please leave a comment!