Friday, August 10, 2007

Golf, the game I hate to love!

Well Golf is one of those sports that you either love or hate to love. What I mean by that is for me I am not very good, yet somehow I continue to spend my time and effort and money working on getting better. WHY do I do this? Golf is not cheap, and during the course of a round I experience what can only be described as an emotional roller coaster. I am chill when I arrive, ready to play a nice easy round of golf, and just have fun. I have no worries and enjoy listening to the birds sing and that beautiful sound of a NIKE Sasquatch driver hitting that white dimpled little ball. It is heavenly and a treat early in the morning. On the flip side, I don't have a Nike Sasquatch & even if I did, I probably wouldn't hear that sound. Instead, you may hear dirt sometimes fly farther than the ball... or, me saying oh, no, no that is a stinkin mulligan, (a.k.a. do over). I will occasionally clap for myself both in praise and in frustration, I have even uttered the words, "I think I need a drink," a time or two. Regardless of my score or whatever was heard out on the course that day, I will continue hating to love that difficult game of golf, and know in time I have to get better RIGHT???

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