Monday, July 30, 2007

The Best Man

This is Glenn & his wife Alicia, and thier dog April... They live in California so we rarely get to see each other. He is my Cousin, Friend & was always like the brother I never had. He was also the best man in my wedding.We have always been close, but through the years life just continues it's fast paced rat race and before you know it, months have become years. They came out this last week for a visit & to help linda & I take care of the boys while she is still recovering from a C-section, boy was it nice!! They were a huge help to both of us, being able to step in at a moments notice on whatever we needed. It was more than a big help, they were a Godsend. I had such a great time catching up, it was so much fun to have them.

We love you guys!!

Monday, July 23, 2007

Big Wheels Angel

Hey Great Grandpa, I can finally tear up the neighborhood on my favorite trike! I can get forty miles a gallon on this one kid power hog!!!

Sunday, July 22, 2007

My back update

So here is the scoop,
I am feeling good. I have now been to the Chiropractor four times, and after multiple bones in my back and neck being cracked, I can say I do, feel straight. No longer do I have to listen to my friend call me Long Bow and laugh. Even though I feel good with different stretches & workouts the Doc gave me to help strengthen some core muscles, the news was not all good... I do have Scoliosis!! When I heard that my mind started to race!! How would I ever be able to keep up with Two Boys?? With a crooked back could I still,run, wrestle, play football, basketball, you know the stuff you do with boys? I wasn't sure how to take the news.. Initially I was shocked & saddened. I told Linda, and mentioned it to some other people and the response was across the board. Just about everyone I talked to said, "oh I have Scoliosis too, it's no big deal."


Wednesday, July 18, 2007

My back

(Not an actual picture of my back)
Over the weekend, (actually on Friday morning,) I developed an excruciating back ache. The pain was due to a short ride on my Mountain Bike with Carson in the kid seat. About mid way through I started feeling sharp pain in my lower back as well as a numb kind of throbbing, and just an all around uncomfortable feeling. Needless to say, I didn't think much of it and expected it would go away in a day or so.
Boy was I wrong!!
Friday by mid day my back only started feeling worse and by Sunday I was totally out of commission. I tried everything swimming, stretching laying flat on my stomach & back but nothing worked so I had to resort to medication. Aleve didn't do squat, and after 800 mg of Ibuprofen I finally felt some relief, however it was short lived. I knew that it was inevitable, I was gonna have to go to the Chiropractor.
"Have I said, that I feel my age recently?"

Sunday, July 15, 2007

Saturday, July 14, 2007

Kobe vs Lakers

For as long as I can remember I have and always will be a Laker fan. The excitement and enthusiasm I have for the Kobe's Lakers at this juncture has never been equaled. I say that even remembering when SHOWTIME was the talk of the sport! The days of SHOWTIME and epic battles that would transpire on the court between Lakers & Pistons, Celtics, were phenomenal, and moment to moment even heart stopping. I can recall my dad pacing around the floor many a time saying," I cant take it I cant watch," while truth be told there was no way that channel would have ever have been touched for fear of flames coming out of his mouth! Magic Johnson, and Kareem Abdul Jabbar, with some incredible supporting cast like, James Worthy, Michael Cooper and who can forget Kurt Rambis, and Byron Scott won 5 championships in the 80's. That was a great team with incredible chemistry and a will to win!! Their heart was in it...
I seem to feel like the current Lakers don't have that same heart & will. I believe this is directly related to Kobe. Please don't get me wrong, I believe Kobe is the best player in the league & has been many years now. I think we really need to be honest & agree he has no support but yet the Lakers seem to continue to go after young talent, as if they are searching for the next Kobe!!
Lakers be consistent you dropped Shaq because Kobe wanted to be the man & is. Now if he is asking for some better support and obviously feels cant get it done with the support he has, go after who he wants & get him or them and sacrifice some young talent for crying out loud! Fans want a championship & especially want another one for Kobe. I think he has earned it just look at his stats for the last few years. you will agree. I say get KG at any cost and you will see that championship very soon!
how do you feel out there? let me know!!
Thanks for reading

Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Carson Glenn

Carson's personality is definately that of a first born. His Opa(grandpa) calls him dictator & that describes him to a tee. Every since he was born he has been leading us all around, & letting us know how he feels. Carson's favorite toys are Footballs, golfballs, & basketballs. He would take a worn out old bouncy ball over any other toy any day of the week. He loves to run & jump & get get dirty, he is all boy. One thing I think is hilarious is that he loves to tackle his cousin Adaya. He is so much fun & brings tons of laughter into our home. That kid is a RIOT & knows it! He is 21 months old, weighs 25 lbs & is 2 feet 9 inches tall. He is singing his abc's with some help & has got counting from 1-10 down pat! Right now his favorite person is his baby brother Tyler, & he is soooo gentle & caring. He is a great big brother.

Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Life as I know it

Well Life as I know it has recently become a little more complicated, however I would not trade this for anything, let me explain. On June 25 My wife gave birth to a handsome baby boy Tyler Jay White. He weighed 7lbs 11 ounces & was 20 inches long out of the gate. His arms and legs are long and skinny and we think he is gonna be the big little brother. At this point he still has blue eyes & light brown hair. What a stud, & did I mention he looks like his dad!!