Sunday, July 22, 2007

My back update

So here is the scoop,
I am feeling good. I have now been to the Chiropractor four times, and after multiple bones in my back and neck being cracked, I can say I do, feel straight. No longer do I have to listen to my friend call me Long Bow and laugh. Even though I feel good with different stretches & workouts the Doc gave me to help strengthen some core muscles, the news was not all good... I do have Scoliosis!! When I heard that my mind started to race!! How would I ever be able to keep up with Two Boys?? With a crooked back could I still,run, wrestle, play football, basketball, you know the stuff you do with boys? I wasn't sure how to take the news.. Initially I was shocked & saddened. I told Linda, and mentioned it to some other people and the response was across the board. Just about everyone I talked to said, "oh I have Scoliosis too, it's no big deal."


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